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So in my previous post about Relocation Astrology, we had a look at the Ascendant, and how this changes depending on where you move to. Now we’re going to check out the Angles in the chart, and how they affect us when we relocate.

The Angles in the chart are represented by the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses in the chart. Here’s a brief description of what each one means.

1st house- You, your image, your persona, personal appearance, your skills and abilities, the way you dress, the way other people see you, the image others project onto you.

4th house- Home, family, your parents, your early upbringing, your roots, ancestors, how patriotic you are, your country of birth, how secure you feel.

7th house- Significant others, in paticular your spouse or long-term partner, business partners, open enemies, how you interact with others on a social level.

10th house- Your career, status, public image, reputation, your popularity, how well-known you are, the kind of career you choose.

So basically those four houses represent Self, Family, Significant Others and Career- all the things which other people outwardly judge us on. The other reason the Angles are important is because  they are the most powerful houses in your chart, and when a planet moves from one of those Angles or moves on to it via relocation, you definitely feel it.

Here’s an example. Let’s say that in your natal chart, you have Mars in the 12th house. Because the energy of planets here seems to be ‘hidden’, you may find it difficult to express your anger when it arises. Instead of expressing your anger in a healthy way, you may bury it down inside you, fearing that it is wrong to get angry at others, and so these feelings come out in other, more insidious ways like passive-aggressive behaviour or making nasty comments which force other people to express the anger that you find you can’t.

Now let’s say that you go on holiday to a place a few hours away from where you were born. You now have Mars in the 1st. And as soon as you arrive, you begin to notice a change in yourself and those around you. You get into arguments with complete strangers, you find yourself involved in a brief but sudden affair, you aren’t afraid to say what you think, and if other people don’t like it, then it’s just too bad. You’re willing to stick up for yourself, and others in this place. People either see you as someone who is energetic and gets things done, or as an aggressive trouble maker. Accidents and being placed in dangerous situations may also be par for the course in this location. But fundamentally, you haven’t changed. It’s just that all that repressed anger which was hidden away in the 12th is suddenly “on display” for everyone to see when it moved into your 1st house.

Now let’s look at a chart where the person has something on all the angles, and how this will change when they move. (The chart below is not that of a real person’s. I made up the birth details to show you as an example.)

Name: John

DOB: 13 January 1976

POB: Los Angeles, Calif, USA

TOB: 4:15 AM

Natal chart for John

As you can see from “John’s” chart, he has a planet on all the Angles. With Neptune in the 1st house, conjunct his Ascendant, John may come across as being a bit vague and dreamy upon first meeting. People would see him as being gentle, imaginative and very creative. He  may be very talented in an area of the arts, such as acting or singing. This would be especially so with Venus also in the 1st house. John would probably be classically good looking with this placement, and he would have no trouble relating to women. He would have a great love of beauty, culture and social settings, but may sometimes come across as being a little unrealistic. With Neptune and Venus here, he would be very romantic and as this is in his 1st house, others would pick up on that aspect of his personality.

Jupiter in his 4th house is a very fortunate placement, and he probably grew up in a loving and warm family environment. One of his parents would have been an extroverted, larger-than-life type of figure, and he probably has/ had a great relationship with both his parents. In his adult life, the house John lives in might be large and with plenty of space.

Mars on the 7th could present some problems, though. John may enjoy the thrill of the chase when it comes to new lovers, but might find he soon gets bored with the routine of a long-term relationship. He may also pick fights with his partner to liven things up or he may find himself attracting feisty partners.

And finally, we come to his Pluto in the 10th. This is a very powerful planet to have in one’s house of career, but don’t start thinking this is some Donald Trump million-dollar mogul placement. Pluto in the natal chart can go either way- total power or totally powerless. Depending on how comfortable John is with issues of power, he may suffer miserably because of the power games and/or controlling nature of those whom he has to work with, or he may indeed hold a position of power himself.

So now that we’ve had a look at the natal chart, let’s suppose John is offered a transfer to New York, or decides to move there for some reason. What planets are on his Angles now?

 Name: John

DOB: 13 January 1976

Relocated POB: New York, NY, USA

Relocated TOB: 7:15 AM


 Well, we have relocated John’s birth time to New York. And we can see that there are some noticable changes to his Angles. His Sun is now conjunct his Ascendant in the 1st house. This literally gives him the ability to “shine” in this new place. People will see him as warm and outgoing, but with Capricorn on the Ascendant, he may find himself feeling lonely and isolated at times. Nevertheles, he will project an image of being reliable, hard-working and responsible. Mercury in the 1st could also make him more talkative than usual, and he may spend his days taking short trips around the city, as part of his job or for pleasure.

In New York, John has his Moon in the 4th, which is a good placement, though he may find himself getting homesick, and longing for the familiarity of his home. If he puts down roots here, he wil be unusually attached to his own place, and the comfort and security that provides.

Saturn in the 7th isn’t all bad news. It can indicate a long-lasting and stable relationship with an older partner or someone who is in some ways more mature. It could also mean that John may let his sudden shyness and cautious approach to relationships stop him from getting involved until he’s absolutely sure. This is a far cry from his natal Mars in the 7th which would have made him rush into relationships without thinking it through.

And finally, we come to the 10th house, but we find it’s empty. Now astrologers are divided on what an empty house in a chart signifies. Some say that a house may be empty because in previous lives, you mastered the lessons associated with that house and therefore you have nothing more to learn from having a planet there. Others say that the house is empty because these are the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime. Whichever one you ascribe to, having nothing in the 10th house may be a problem for John if he has moved to New York for work-related purposes. He may find that his attention is focused on other parts of his chart instead of his career, or he may still be learning how to incorporate his career into his life.

I hope this post has been helpful. If you’ve had any experiences with relocating to another place, drop us a line in the comments section. I would be interested to know how this has worked-or not- for you.