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The mind that broods o’er guilty woes,

Is like the Scorpion girt by fire,

In circle narrowing as it glows,

The flames around their captive close,

Till inly search’d by thousand throes,

And maddening in her ire,

One sad and sole relief she knows,

The sting she nourish’d for her foes,

Whose venom never yet was vain,

Gives but one pang, and cures all pain,

And darts into her desperate brain-

So do the dark in soul expire,

Or live like Scorpion girt by fire,

So writhes the mind Remorse has riven,

Unfit for earth, undoom’d for heaven,

Darkness above, despair beneath,

Around it flame, within it death!

from The Giaour

by Lord Byron

With Pluto conjunct his Sun, Lord Byron probably knew better than most people about the inner workings of Scorpio types. Often feared, frequently misunderstood, Scorps seem to spend their lives going from one crisis to another or dealing with traumatic experiences that threaten to overwhelm them.

I have noticed that many Scorpio types seem to be born into abusive and dysfunctional families, and the distrust that comes with being a child living in fear of those who are supposed to protect them can sometimes take a lifetime for the Scorp to come to terms with.

Some Scorpio types can waste years of their lives brooding over past hurts and holding grudges, often becoming depressed or even suicidal in the process. Their strange mixture of pride and secretiveness can make it impossible for Scorps to seek help even when they know they can’t face all their problems on their own.

As a Scorpio type myself (Moon, Venus and Mercury there), I can understand how hard it can be to go from being the self-destructive scorpion stinging oneself and everyone around them to being the soaring eagle who rises above their painful past and into a bright future.

But Scorpio is the sign of transformation, and more than perhaps any other sign, they are capable of using their strong will and determination to turn their life around.